

Teacher Profile: Mrs. Zeffren- Ida Crown’s Renaissance Woman

Friday, January 1, 2021

 By Hannah Rothner-

Whether you are a freshman in her Navi class, a sophomore in her JH class, a junior working with her for Student to Student, or a senior who is helping her plan the Senior Shabbaton, chances are you know Mrs. Zeffren. 

Mrs. Zeffren serves a unique and vital role in Ida Crown, not only as a teacher, but also as a mentor for Student to Student and a lifelong member of the Skokie Jewish community. Mrs. Zeffren also attended high school at ICJA, which enabled her to connect and relate to her students. “This was the community I could relate to the most, and I felt like I could share Judaism, Tanakh, and Jewish History, but from a perspective that would be relatable to students that were similar to me when I was in high school,” Mrs. Zeffren said. 

 In addition to teaching Tanakh and JH, Mrs. Zeffren also plays a prominent role in the planning of student activities. She explained that she became involved in student activities first as an eager teacher/chaperone, and then as an official member Student Activities board. Mrs. Zeffren mentioned that being a part of student activities makes her “feel like the relationships I build with students on shabbatons and activities transcend the classroom, but also come back to the classroom because I have stronger connections to my students who I work with as coordinators and also the students that I get to be with during those activities.” Mrs. Zeffren is known for being the first to climb into a huge inflatable bubble for bubble soccer, and the first to recruit other students to join. Her involvement in programs that go beyond the classroom is a testament to the fact that she is not just a teacher who is in school for nine periods, but one who truly cares about furthering her relationships and bonding with her students. 

In order to further her influence as a teacher, Mrs. Zeffren revealed that she is pursuing an EdD in Jewish Educational Leadership and Innovation at Yeshiva University’s Azrieli Graduate School. The program is fairly new, requiring four years to complete. Mrs. Zeffren was inspired to become a part of the program due to her love of learning, and believes that the program will allow her to “see school dynamics differently and better understand all of the interconnected parts that make up a school environment.”

As an educator who teaches for nine periods, is working on her EdD, is running countless other programs at ICJA, and is also a mother, Mrs. Zeffren is always busy. When asked how she manages everything, Mrs. Zeffren replied that “they are all forcing me to access different types of thinking and creativity… each task is energizing in its own way, and when you enjoy what you’re doing, you don’t resent the time it takes.” That being said, Mrs. Zeffren also mentioned that she is grateful to have such a supportive family. 

Although the pandemic put a damper on the normal school experience, Mrs. Zeffren explains that it has actually allowed her ultimately be more involved because of the restrictions placed on in-person obligations. For example, the YU course she is taking would usually require in-person intensive two-day seminars that would be in New York, but since they are on zoom, Mrs. Zeffren is able to complete the course while teaching. Junior Laura Bellows says, “We are so lucky to have a teacher like Mrs. Zeffren at Ida Crown. She is always 100% invested in whatever she is doing, and that includes her students and all of the other programs she is a part of.” Ida Crown is lucky to have such a dedicated and involved teacher!

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