

Keshet Programming Continues in an Atypical Year

Friday, January 1, 2021


By Hadassah Bernstein-

Keshet continues to bring education and fun for its students this year despite the pandemic.

In August of 2020, Keshet operated as a hybrid system where there were two groups of students, called pods, that attended school twice a week and met over Zoom the rest of the school week. However, as of Thanksgiving break, they have returned to online school. 

Each student  attends classes from 8:30 a.m  until 2:45p.m.. Tova, a junior in the Keshet program, explained her daily schedule and an important class to her. She stated, “I am a part of the reading group and Morah Shirley reads Charlotte’s Web to the students and I follow along in my book. When we finish a few chapters, we watch the movie and fill out our packet of reading comprehension questions.” 

Keshet students also work on their vocational and life skills, which are modified this year, so that they can keep up with the curriculum from a normal school year. They also spend time together every morning davening.

All of the Keshet programmings are also online such as their peer buddy programming with Ida Crown students, their recreation events, and their Sunday school.

Keshet has recreation programs on Zoom and Tova explained, “On Monday night I do drama and on Thursday I do Keshet Peer Buddies and music.” 

Keshet Peer Buddies allow Ida Crown students and students from Keshet to come together and do fun activities with each other.  “I feel happy because I love to talk and socialize with my peers and teachers on Thursday at 7:00 pm for Peer Buddies,” Tova stated. “It means a lot to me that my friends come even with so much homework and long days of school.” Birthdays are also celebrated during the meetings of Keshet Peer Buddies.

Junior Maya Wasserman, a Peer leader Peer Buddies said, “I have been involved in Keshet for years and I have loved the opportunity at Ida Crown to continue to grow my relationship with the Keshet program and its students. I love that I am still able to connect with them during this crazy time.”

There are many differences between Keshet this year and last year. The students work at quiet places in their homes, rather than in classrooms at school. The students also miss the events and programming that Ida Crown does involving Keshet. 

Sarah Paul, a teacher at Keshet, stated, “I miss the Peers popping into my classroom and the pizza party at the beginning of the year with all of the Keshet students and peers.”

 Even though Keshet is different this year because of the pandemic, Lori Zisook, the Program Director, said, “We are working to make sure that the students continue to learn, gain life skills, and grow this year.” 

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