

Ida Crown's Chesed Program Active Despite Pandemic

Friday, January 1, 2021

By Gabriel Gordon-Burstyn-

Rabbi Yoni Fox and Mrs. Zeffren run Ida Crown’s Chesed program; Rabbi Fox says that he saw it as imperative that even in the pandemic there is a schoolwide Chesed program. Rabbi Fox wanted to find a way to do Chesed while minimizing risk for the student body, and he finally found this opportunity with the Chicago Mitzvah Campaign.

In the past, this organization has run programs in nursing homes to help the elderly celebrate. They would bring groups of students to perform Chanukah songs or plays for the residents but that was not possible this year. They still saw it as very important to still give nursing home residents a joyful Chanukah experience. Their idea was to send the residents boxes with Chanukah goodies, including sweets and a dreidel. The Chicago Mitzvah Campaign brought the materials to Ida Crown and the students were able to build and pack the boxes. This was an opportunity to do meaningful Chesed while limiting risk of exposure to the virus.

Another integral part of the Chesed program at Ida Crown is a fun activity and lunch afterward. This is intended so that the students enjoy and cherish doing Chesed so students will continue to do Chesed and help those in need for the rest of their lives.

Because fun and food are integral parts of the program, Rabbi Fox saw it as essential to have a fun activity and food even in a Covid- style Chesed day. This was achieved by bringing in a mentalist and providing students with a great lunch. Rabbi Fox hopes that there will be more chesed days even if pandemic conditions do not get better.

Even during the pandemic, Ida Crown considers chesed important and continues to inspire and provide opportunities to their students to do chesed.

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