

Investment Club Debuts at Ida Crown

Sunday, November 29, 2020

By Hadassah Bernstein- 
    Ida Crown’s investment club made its debut this year, founded by sophomore Ben Boyarskiy and senior Issac Zipperstein, and advised by history teacher Mr. Cooper. The investment club focuses on teaching students valuable skills in investment. Zipperstein explained how he got interested in investing, saying “I personally got into investing when my grandfather gave me some money and told me to invest it. We began discussing and researching different stocks. I chose to start the investment club because I think managing money is an important skill especially for people who will soon be entering the working world. I think that schools in general fail to teach money management and that this club may help benefit many students. I hope to help teach students how to save and grow money in a fun and interesting way.”
Mr. Cooper decided to help run the club after being approached by Zipperstein and Boyarskiy. “I thought that this was a great idea for an interactive club focused on some of my strongest interests: current events and economics,” he explained.
The investment club meets every other week after school over Zoom. As Mr Cooper explained, “we meet over Zoom, and we will be rotating meetings to best fit everyone's schedules. We will generally meet on Monday or Tuesday evenings.
Ben stated that the club meeting features “various presentations given by Mr. Cooper, Issac Zipperstein, myself, and guest speakers from outside of Ida Crown specializing in investing. These presentations educate students about investing and teach them about the stock market. Current events also factor into these presentations, as they affect the stock market tremendously. Main focuses of these presentations include educating students about how to invest in stock, analyze patterns in the stock market, and strategies for investment.”
During the investment club meetings, lessons teach students the fundamentals of investing. To put their knowledge to practice, students use a stock market virtual website. The website takes the form of a competition, as Ben explained, “There is an ongoing competition on the website which allows students to invest in real stocks with fake money, according to the real time prices of the stock market. The website keeps track of their status, based on the students' loss or gain during that week. Because this is a competition, the top ten students that made the most money will be announced during the following meeting.”
Ben said, “The main goal of this club is to spark students' interest in the stock market and educate them about how to make money by investing in stocks effectively. The club will also be beneficial to students in their future endeavors as it will inform them of a new way of making money and it will teach them how to be financially responsible in general.”
Mr Cooper said,. “I hope that students are able to gain a general understanding of the stock market, confidence and experience regarding financial management, and insight into the role current events play in the financial sector."
Fifty-three students have joined this club so far. Sophomore member Ori Wasserman decided to join this club because, “I wanted to join an investment club since freshman year but there has not been one until now. I want to learn more about investments and stock, specifically about how it works and how I can profit off of them. Now that there is a club, it gives me the opportunity to invest my money properly.” Ori believes that because of this club, he will learn skills to invest properly. He said, “It seems to me like stocks and investments are the future of business and by joining an investment club, I will be given information that will help me towards my future and help thrive in the modern world.”
Junior Hannah Stein said, "I'm genuinely interested in investing." “I have always loved talking about stocks with my dad and my friends. When I heard that this club was being started, I was so excited because I would love to hear others' opinions.”

    Boyarskiy explained why he wanted to start the club, saying that “since middle school I have been interested in investing because my dad and grandpa have been involved in it. I thought that the club would be a great opportunity to teach my fellow Ida Crown students about it.”

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