

Student to Student: A Club Everyone Should Join

Sunday, November 29, 2020


By Hannah Stein-

    Student to Student, a program based at ICJA that teaches non-Jews about Judaism, has been going strong for the past few weeks. In a normal year, Jewish students from ICJA, RZJHS, and public schools visit Christain and public schools to give presentations, but in-person presentations are not happening this year because of COVID-19.

    The Student to Student program adapted to the pandemic, giving digital presentations via Zoom. Many of the student presenters were impressed by how easy it was to adapt to digitally presenting. “I loved presenting in person, so I was upset when I heard that all presentations would now be online,” explained junior Ethan Comrov, “but I am impressed by my fellow presenters’ ability to present so smoothly and effectively on Zoom.” Not only are the students of ICJA impressed; Mrs. Zeffren, the head of the program, and teachers and students from St. Viator relayed their gratitude and appreciation for the polished presentations: "I found this presentation very informative and eye-opening,” explained a student from St. Viator, “especially as a Christian who has not been exposed to many other religions before. It allowed to me to gain a new perspective." During Chol Hamoed Sukkot, over five presentations were given to St. Viator High School. Mia Herman, a senior who has participated in Student to Student for the past few years was astounded by the number of students at St. Viator that asked questions: “Usually, we ask the students a few times if they have questions,” said Herman, “but in all of the presentations I gave over Chol Hamoed, students continuously jumped in with questions about Judaism and life as a Jewish teen.”

    Perhaps it was because of the less confrontational environment that a digital presentation allows for or the engaging and comfortable way that the presenters presented; either way, Mrs. Zeffren wrote in an email to the presenters that “these were some of the best presentations I’ve seen to date!” “Student to Student has helped me strengthen my beliefs in Judaism” said junior Sarah Friedman. “I have now been effectively enabled to convey these messages to others.” Several students expressed their appreciation for the Student to Student program. “I get instantly excited when I receive an email from Mrs. Zeffren regarding Student to Student,” started senior Ronen Lavi. “I am going to miss this program when I leave ICJA, and I hope it lives on for many years to come.” Senior Simone Miller, who helped co-found and is a co-president of the club, expressed her gratitude for Student to Student. “I have grown so much through the program,” she said. “It has helped me clarify my beliefs and values, and I feel so lucky to have taken an active role in the club.”

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