

Moshe’s Leadership Was a Team Effort Between Himself and Hashem

Friday, January 1, 2021

Image result for burning bush

By Kayla Kupietzky-

Sefer Shemot is filled with lessons that we can apply to our lives. 

In Parshat Shemot, When Hashem revealed himself to Moshe at the burning bush, He told Moshe to confront Pharaoh and tell him to let Bnei Yisrael be free (3:10); essentially asking Moshe to assume the role as the leader of Bnei Yisrael. Moshe immediately responded that he was not the right person to accomplish Hashem’s request because he was of no importance: “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and free Bnei Yisrael from Egypt” (3:11).

Hashem comforted him and said that He would be with Moshe every step of the way. Although Hashem’s words may have cured his fear of confronting Pharaoh, Moshe still felt as though he was not fit to be a leader. Moshe, still anxious, responded yet again with self-doubt. Again, Hashem reassured Moshe, comforting him by reaffirming his constant support. When Hashem becomes aware that words are not helping Moshe’s nervousness, He tells Moshe that there will be three physical signs to prove Hashem's presence: turning Moshe’s staff into a snake and then back into a staff, Moshe sticking his hand into his chest and pulling it out with tzaraat and then putting it back in and it to become normal again, and lastly having the water turn into blood (4:3-9). 

Moshe continues to refuse Hashem’s orders: coming forward to Paraoh and introducing himself to the rest of Bnei Yisrael as their leader. Even as Mosha continually responds to Hashem with self-doubt, Hashem continues to provide him solace and gives him the tools and advice that he may need to accomplish His tasks.

Despite all of the doubt that Moshe had in himself, Hashem never stopped believing in him. As teenagers, it is so important to remember that Hashem is always there for us even if we can’t see Him. Moshe fulfilled his potential and acted as a role model and a monumental leader in our history, a position achieved by him and his lifelong partner, Hashem. 

As teenagers, we are the leaders of tomorrow and it is so crucial that we follow what we believe in. Whether it is a big test where a student is striving for an “A” or a class presentation that will determine their success in a class, Every student within Ida Crown has enormous potential and can accomplish anything that they put their mind to. Both inside and outside of school, it is crucial that we also stay true to our values whether our peers agree with us or not. Sometimes it can feel as though you are not strong enough or fully prepared for a task, but just remember that Hashem is there for you every step of the way. 

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