

Coalition vs. Common Applications: A Collegiate Battle

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

By Max Miller-

After a flurry of standardized tests, expensive tutors, resume building, blue forms, Naviance, and a million and a half other things, it’s finally time to apply to college. Congratulations! But as deadlines in November and January creep up on you, how do you actually apply? Do you use the Common Application? The Coalition? Here I’ll review the pros and cons of each.

Running Aces Return for Another Strong Season

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Yaakov Rosenberg-

The Running Aces have started their short, two-month 2019 season strong.

After last year’s conference sweep by the Aces, the team lost many important runners, including Yonah Steinberg, Tzippy David, and Tova Oliff. In order to repeat as champions, the running Aces needed to run hard over the summer and get back in shape. 

The Testaments is a Riveting Novel, but Fails to Match The Handmaid’s Tale’s Gravitas

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Jacob Miller-


Praise be! After 34 years of waiting, Margaret Atwood has delivered The Testaments, a sequel to her seminal novel The Handmaid’s Tale. But woe! How closely does American life today resemble the Republic of Gilead? The Handmaid’s Tale reflected our scariest fears as it described life in Gilead, a theocracy with some characteristics uncannily like American society. The Testaments explores more of Gilead—how the republic was founded, who enforces the authoritarian regime, and the daily life of the Gilead elite—while following a majestically-crafted plotline.

ICJA Students Expand the Student to Student Initiative in Chicago

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Isaac Shiner-


ICJA students introduced kosher food, Jewish background, and Jewish traditions to other Chicago high school students through the Student to Student initiative. 

Soccer Field Update

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Bayli Alter-

After an extensive renovation, Dean Rabbi Leonard Matanky is optimistic that Ida Crown’s soccer field will be ready for use soon.

SAR Academy Assistant Principal Arrested on Charges of Child Pornography

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Bayli Alter-

On Friday September 13, Rabbi Jonathan Skolnick of Salanter Akiba Riverdale Academy (SAR) was arrested on charges that include child enticement and possessing child pornography. 

Student Spotlight: Mia Herman, Active Keshet Volunteer

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Dahlia Matanky-

Junior Mia Herman loves helping people with special needs. 

Mia spends most of her free time volunteering with Keshet, an organization that has spent the past 36 years providing consulting, programming, and integration for children and adults with special needs. Mia first heard about Keshet in third grade, and by age twelve, her interest in helping others had transformed into a passion. 

New Mechanechet program Implemented at ICJA

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Dahlia Matanky-

The Mechanechet program consists of two mechanchot, Mrs. Jenny Hagage and Mrs. Lynn Kraft. Inspired by Academy Alumni Sara Weiss ‘18, the program aims to provide Academy girls with Judaic teachers that they can look to for Jewish advice and religious confidence. 


Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Simone Miller-

Ida Crown’s mathletes team kicked off the year in their first meet on Thursday, September 26.

4 Questions With Mrs. Gottlieb

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Max Miller-

This week, we interviewed Mrs. Gottlieb, who has taken over for Mr. Newman as the chair of the science department.

Ida Crown Makes Changes Based On Accreditation Feedback

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Gideon Miller-

AdvancED, an accrediting agency, accredited Ida Crown this year, and made suggestions to the school. ICJA plans to implement new changes based on their accreditation feedback.

New Professionals Join the ICJA Faculty

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Melinda Burgin

ICJA hired many new professionals for the 2019-2020 school year.

New Feeder Schools Contribute to Class of 2023

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Sarah Friedman-

The class of 2023 is lucky enough to have a large variety of students from a wide range of schools and backgrounds. The Class of 2023 includes students from Hillel Torah, Arie Crown, Solomon Schechter, Cheder Lubavitch, Akiba Schechter, and various public schools. Some students have relocated from states including Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. 

The Uniform Presents Challenging Ethical Problems

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Simone Miller 

Ida Crown’s uniform ensures that students adhere to Judaic standards of modesty. What if the uniform placed the same emphasis on Jewish values of treating other people morally?

Lessons for the New Year

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Sarah Friedman-

Shanah Tova! The holidays are approaching with Rosh Hashanah to initiate the new year.  It is a holiday of many names from the “Holiday of Remembering” to the “Holiday of Judgement,” the “Birthday of Creation,” and the “Sound of a Shofar.” From all of these names and our understanding of Jewish knowledge, what does the holiday of Rosh Hashanah mean to us? First, the birthday of the world teaches us that life is short and precious. As we learn in the powerful poem of Unitaneh Tokef, we will not achieve everything in the world during our lifetime. This poem should not make us depressed nor unmotivated, but rather excited to keep growing and working on what we can accomplish. 

Additions to Davening

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 No comments

By Donny Zeller-

The Geonim determined that certain phrases should be added in the Amidah prayer. In the bracha of Avos, the phrase of Zachrenu L’Chaim… is added in the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. In the second blessing, the phrase Mi Chamocha… is added. In the last three blessings of the Amidah prayer, the phrase Uchitov L’Chayim Tovim…. And the phrase B’Sefer Chayim Bracha V’Shalom are inserted.

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