

2019 Running Aces Break Records; Make history

Posted on Friday, November 22, 2019 No comments

Friday, November 22, 2019

By Yaakov Rosenberg-

After 5 strong races, the running aces were ready for more. Their practices got harder, their track runs got faster, and their core workouts got longer. 

ICJA Removes Controversial Vaping Signs After One Day; Pledges to Take New Measures

Posted on Friday, November 22, 2019 No comments

By Dahlia Matanky-

Ida Crown removed new signs that the FDA sent out to schools nationwide after just one day. 

These signs were intended to combat vaping and warn students against the dangers of vapes, yet both students and faculty complained about the vulgarity of these posters. 

Student Feature: ICJA Welcomes New Freshman Boarders To our School

Posted on Friday, November 22, 2019 No comments

By Aryeh Karan-

Over the years at Ida Crown, the number of boarding students in our school has been steadily on the rise. Boarding students provide many benefits to our school. They add more diversity to our student population, while also allowing Chicago students to widen their circle of friends. But being a boarding student can also be challenging for the students. 

Wanting to Want: A Leap of Faith

Posted on Friday, November 22, 2019 No comments

By Jacob Felix-

One rainy Shabbos morning in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph, the Lev HaTorah bochurim were given a rather strange message. "You're all invited to Seudah Shlishit after mincha this afternoon,"  Rav Mo announced after shacharit, "but only come if you want to want."

As Tensions Flare in Israel, ICJA Students Ramp Up Advocacy

Posted on Friday, November 22, 2019 No comments

By Jacob Miller and Simone Miller-

With a few days remaining before Congress recesses for the winter holidays, ICJA students have increased their lobbying efforts. The lobbying comes at a time when Israel faces threats from terrorist organizations based in Gaza.

Four Questions With a Department Chair

Posted on Friday, November 22, 2019 No comments

By Max Miller-

This week, we interviewed Ms. Sennett, the head of the history department and ICJA’s Israel Advocacy Club, one of the largest clubs in the school.

New Boys’ Soccer Team Coming to ICJA

Posted on Friday, November 22, 2019 No comments

By Ari Baral-

ICJA plans on offering soccer for male students starting next fall.

Until now, soccer was only offered to girls at Ida Crown. After numerous emails back and forth between Noah Brody, Noam Braun, and Rabbi Matanky, with additional efforts by Chuck Moscovitch, the new director of athletics Coach Peter was put in touch with Noah Brody, to offer solutions with scheduling and coaching. After Noah Brody and Moshe Lodkin went around signing people up for soccer, the administration finally greenlighted a boys’ soccer team.

Ida Crown Freshmen Attend Fridayton

Posted on Friday, November 22, 2019 No comments

By Gideon Miller-

On Friday, November 15th, the Ida Crown freshman class went on their Freshmen Fridayton.  Every year, Ida Crown organizes a Fridayton for their freshman class, in which they schedule Friday and Shabbat activities.

Erika’s Lighthouse Club Comes to ICJA; Josh Pogonitz Shares His Mental Health Journey

Posted on Friday, November 22, 2019 No comments

By Ilan Blumenthal-

ICJA established a new mental health club called Erika’s Lighthouse this year. Run by Gadi Kalman, Max Miller, Sarah Zelden, Tali Rosenzweig, and Hannah Carl, the club runs in conjunction with the national Erika's Lighthouse organization. 

ICJA Already Provides Students with the Resources CTU Demanded During Their Strike

Posted on Friday, November 22, 2019 No comments

By Melinda Burgin-

On October 31, the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) ended their strike, receiving many of their demands, such as higher pay for teachers, at least one certified psychologist and nurse per school, and an increase in spending on the training of such officials. They also agreed to provide more English as a second language teachers and more funding towards athletic equipment. 

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