

Book Review: Sonia Purnell’s “A Woman of No Importance”

Sunday, November 29, 2020


By Hannah Rothner-

    With winter’s promise of freezing temperatures and snow, what better thing is there to do besides curl up on the couch with a blanket, hot cup of your beverage of choice, and a good book? If you’re looking for a page turning story of heroism, spycraft, and Nazi resistance, then Sonia Purnell’s A Woman of No Importance is the ideal non fiction book for you. 

    Detailing the untold story of the first Allied woman to be deployed behind enemy lines, A Woman of No Importance examines the life of Virginia Hall. Hall established massive spy networks across France; in 1942, the Gestapo sent out a high priority command regarding Virginia Hall: “She is the most dangerous of all Allied spies. We must find and destroy her.” 

    Hall repeatedly breaks the boundaries of not only women in World War II society, but also of handicapped people, as she had a prosthetic leg. Despite these obstacles, Virginia Hall ignites the flame known as the French Resistance. Even after her face was plastered on numerous “wanted” posters, Hall refuses to evacuate, determining that she must continue to fight. 

    After a harrowing escape into Spain with a blown cover, Hall remains unwavering in her idea that she had more lives to save, leading her to dive right back into the spy world. Eventually, Virginia Halls plays a crucial role in the liberation of France from under Nazi regime post D-Day. 

    In addition to its place on the New York Times bestseller list, A Woman of No Importance also has a place on the Junior class Summer reading list. 

    Mrs. Kahan explains that she did not know anything about the subject of the book: “I knew that there were American undercover agents, but never knew about the women that were instrumental in helping the Americans and the Brits win the war. When I heard this woman had a wooden leg yet she was admired by everyone and stepped out of her comfort zone to do what she wanted to do even though she was a woman and highly discriminated against, I was hooked.” 

    With it’s riveting plot and explication of the life of a woman who was somewhat of an enigma, Purnell’s A Woman of No Importance is sure to keep you engaged and turning pages.


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