

Ida Crown Students Elect A New Student Council

Sunday, November 29, 2020

By Gideon Miller-     

     Ida Crown students elected a new Student Council on the 29th of September with Ronen Lavi as President, Ahron Falk as Vice- President, Jonathan Thomas as Treasurer, Kayla Kupietzky as Secretary, and fifteen class representatives. Normally, Student Council elections take place at the end of the previous year, but this year the elections were delayed until the 29th because of the coronavirus pandemic.

    The Student Council works to make the Ida Crown experience more enjoyable by representing the student body and what they want. “As President I want students to be happy and excited to come to Ida Crown,” said Lavi. “I ran because I can represent the student body well and fight for what they need.” By having a smaller body to represent what the students as a whole want, Ida Crown is better able to make activities that students enjoy and care about such as the pep rally which it organizes and the fundraisers it makes. The Student Council’s duties extend beyond representing the students. Advisor Ms. Sennett said, “Student Council not only represents the Ida Crown student body, but it serves as a liaison between the administration and the students.” The council helps the administration allot Tzedakah money to different charities, organize activities on Yom Ha’atzmaut and retreat, and helps create fund-raisers when there is a cause the student body cares about. This year, in the face of the pandemic, the Student Council may have fewer options for activities, but they remain committed to representing the students and helping give student input to the Ida Crown administration. Last year even after the pandemic struck, the Student Council remained active; after school had already closed the Student Council organized a mask fundraiser. Now, the world and school is more open and while the Student Council will still have more limited options they will continue to be able to represent the students and provide input to the administration. This year, the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary ran unopposed and consequently were not listed on the ballot. The reason for the lack of opposition was a requirement that the candidates for officer position have at least one to two years of past experience on the Student Council depending on the position and no other people with the required experience wished to run. For class Representatives, students were allowed to place two votes each for male and female candidates from their grades, and the top two candidates of each gender from each grade won, with the runner up becoming the alternate. The election was carried out through google forms. The election went smoothly, but in the election for the sophomore boy representatives a faulty form that did not include one of the candidates was sent out originally and was later corrected. After an election close enough that the votes from the faulty ballot responses could swing the election, a second vote was held the following day. Rabbi Matanky announced the results in an email on the first of October. 
 The class representatives are: Freshmen: Noa Gavant, Jacob Pick, Joseph Rothner, Jordana Zwelling Sophomores: Emma Felix, Noah Fensterheim, Gabi Rosenzweig, Kenny Shapiro Juniors: Gavriel Engel, David Gaffen, Hannah Rothner, Hannah Stein Seniors: Noi Cohen, Ezra Landman-Fleigelson and Tali Rosenzweig

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